Snow Bird Tune-Up Regatta February 28th


Snow Bird Tune-Up Regatta

February 28th, 2013

HOST: Sun Coast Model Sailing Club

RULES:  Rules will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing, and the AMYA RC Laser Rules

ELIGIBILITY:  All RC Laser Owners are welcome

SCHEDULE:  On-line registration will be open until February 27th.
February 28, 2013
9:30am Skipper’s Meeting
10:00am First Race Begins
12:30pm Lunch
3:30pm No Races will begin after 3:30pm

LOCATION: South County Park, 670 Cooper Street, Punta Gorda, FL

ENTRY: Entry form is available on-line; go here for link to register: The entry fee is $16 and includes lunch. Guest lunches may be ordered at skipper’s meeting.

SAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Sailing, racing format, and scoring will be presented at skipper’s meeting.

PRIZES: A minimum of three prizes will be presented.

CONTACT: Nick Mortgu,, 609-820-0509

A special thanks to Commodore Jack Ward, the members of Sun Coast Model Sailing Club, and to AMYA president Dave Brawner who is doing double duty as RD for two RC Laser regattas that week.