Two Weeks Remaining In The Spring Series
There are just 2 Sundays left for determining the order of finish for the Spring Series. Much like the Kentucky Derby it is coming down to the wire. Jonathan Gorbold has a 1 point lead over Jack Bennett who had 3 wins in Sunday’s races to make it a two horse race. “RESULTS”
Sunday May 15th will be the next meeting for these two throughbreds. The field is expected to be large so it will not be a cake walk for either of them. It is expected that there will be over a dozen competitors’ who will be present to act as spoilers.
Maggie Atkins’ boat won the fifth race of the day but had the win taken away after it was discovered that she made a jockey switch giving her transmitter to Steve Heinzelman. Nate Heinzelman (following his dad’s lead) finished second and third in the following two races. ( I think Nate is figuring it out.)
Post time for next week’s races will be 4 O’clock off the south dock CYC. Come early and avoid being shut out of a good spot to set your saddle.
See you on the water!!!
The Admiral