33 Results for author: Nelson Habecker
What a difference a year makes. Last year the wind gods were so agreeable that we had to extend the race so that it lasted more than an hour. This year it was hot and without much wind. We placed a gate for everyone to pass through at the half way mark so that the PRO could shorten or end the race before everyone baked ...
6th Annual Squaw Island Race
August 27, 2016
HOST: Canandaigua, New York RC Laser Fleet 14
LOCATION: Canandaigua Yacht Club (CYC), 3524 West Lake Road, Canandaigua, NY 14424
RULES: The regatta shall be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing as amended by Appendix E for RC ...
Knowing that his only opposition (Jonathan) was going to be absent for the day, Jack assured us that the series was his and did not need to be contested.
As usual no one listened and forced him to take a fifth place finish in the first race. He did however follow up with a win, two seconds and a fourth in the ...
May is that month where the RCs have to start giving room to all those oversized boats that block our wind. Occasionally we run into them but no real damage appears to be done.
It has been up and down series for the RCs this spring. If it was warm there was no wind, if there was much wind it was cold and/or snowing, ...
There are just 2 Sundays left for determining the order of finish for the Spring Series. Much like the Kentucky Derby it is coming down to the wire. Jonathan Gorbold has a 1 point lead over Jack Bennett who had 3 wins in Sunday’s races to make it a two horse race. "RESULTS"
Sunday May 15th will be the next meeting ...
We had 7 races Sunday afternoon which shuffled the deck in the standings for the Spring Series. Jack Bennett, who had a win, a second, two thirds, and two forths, was overtaken by Jonathan Gorbold who dominated the races with five wins. Click “RESULTS” for all the scores.
The wind, while sometimes rotating 180 ...
The enthusiasm and the weather attracted 15 Lasers and 2 Victoria’s for our 2016 Walkabout races. It was a day for sunscreen and patience waiting for that puff of wind that would lead you towards the next mark. The first race of approximately 1 mile took just over 1 hour for everyone to complete and the second race back ...
It was one eyed Jack aka Captain Jack Sparrow aka Jack Bennett who led the way by posting 3 wins a second and a third to capture first place after seven races were completed. Anne Gorbold scored 2 wins, Jonathan Gorbold and Maggie Atkins each with one. “RESULTS”
Although it was a chilly day everyone was dressed ...