2016 Walkabout Attracts 15 Lasers
The enthusiasm and the weather attracted 15 Lasers and 2 Victoria’s for our 2016 Walkabout races. It was a day for sunscreen and patience waiting for that puff of wind that would lead you towards the next mark. The first race of approximately 1 mile took just over 1 hour for everyone to complete and the second race back (which was shortened by a quarter mile to allow us to be back in time for refreshments) took 45 minutes.
The course consisted of a start/finish line and six different marks to be rounded. With no steady breeze from any one direction it was very important to watch the boat next to you and your telltales in order to keep moving.
In the first race it was Len Redon who took the horn, followed by Terry Schmidt just seconds off the pace, and Jonathan Gorbold in third. The race back was won by Jay Niggli followed by Bill Schmidt then myself (Nelson Habecker).
After racing we all relaxed outside with Magie’s chili, Terry’s cornbread, Glennis’ lemon cake and cupcakes, and Mary’s sherbet to finish off the afternoon.
The RC Laser Fleet #14 welcomes Nate Heinzelman (#73) as our newest RC Laser member and also Richard Mikulec and his wife with their Victoria’s that have been joining us for the races.
We will be moving our venue to the CYC south dock beginning April 24th with the club then being opened for the season. Race time on the 24th will be 2-4pm and changing to later in the afternoon (4-6pm) on Sundays thereafter. I am looking forward to another year of fierce competition.
The Admiral