The Schmidts Rule Day One At Holiday Harbor Venue
We reeled off 7 races on Sunday afternoon at Holiday Harbor and Mary Schmidt won four of them. Following close behind her was Gary Schmidt with two wins, three seconds and two thirds. The only other race was won by Bill Schmidt. As one might expect Mary is leading in the Frostbite Series, Gary is running second and Bill is only a point back in third. “Frostbite Results”

Boats on a prolonged 5 minute break (owners inside)
Next Sunday we will once again be at 423 Holiday Harbor 2-4pm for week three of the Frostbite Series.
AND: Just as a reminder:
Annual dues for Fleet #14 RC Lasers will expire at the end of October 2015. Your payment of $20 makes you an active member from 11/01/15 thru 10/31/16.
You can pay your dues online or offline! Click here.
Thank you for your membership.
See you on the water Sunday.
The Admiral